Kamto case at Yaoundé Military Court on September 6, 2019

Kamto case at Yaoundé Military Court on September 6, 2019

Opening of “Kamto and Allies” case at Yaoundé Military Court on September 6, 2019.


As candidate officially ranked 2nd after the presidential elections of October 6, 2018 in Cameroon, Maurice Kamto challenges the results with the National Resistance Plan (NRP).


On January 26, 2019, as part of the NRP, protests were held in Cameroon, to which Maurice Kamto took part. There were shooting and several people injured which subsequently led to demonstrations in the diaspora culminating with the sacking of Cameroon embassies in Paris and Berlin. 


On January 28, 2019, Maurice Kamto and more than 150 people were arrested in a private home in Douala on the basis of a search warrant, transferred to Yaoundé where and imprisoned at the Central Prison of Kondengui.


After more than 7 months of arbitrary detention, no warrant of arrest has been produced. The trial of Maurice Kamto opens at the Military Court this Friday, September 6, 2019, in violation of Cameroonian positive law. As a reminder, the African Union, the European Union, the United Nations and the USA reminded Cameroon that it is forbidden, under its positive law, to try civilians in a Military Court.


 Maurice Kamto and his allies are among others accused of hostility against the fatherland which could earn them a sentence of death.


Moreover, while the Cameroonian government disputes the political nature of the “Kamto and Allies” case, Judge MISSE NJONE Jacques Baudoiun, attests to the political nature of the case in its Order No. 072 / ORD / CI.MNJB / TMY, P28. Indeed, in point 4 of the accusations, it is mentioned that Maurice Kamto and his allies “participated in the organization of a meeting or demonstration in a place open to the public … after notification of the legal prohibition with this aggravating circumstance, THESE EVENTS WERE POLITICAL “. As a result, Maurice Kamto and his allies remind justice of their historical responsibility for the future of Cameroon.


Maurice Kamto and his allies continue to challenge  the military court competency to try civilians and continue to await a final decision on this matter. In the meantime, they agree to be judged, provided that free access to the courtroom is granted to the media( public, private, national and international).